Programa de LenguasSocial English SkillsUTEC —SESSO_UTEC+2024_SES_TH
Social English Skills is a 4 credit blended course designed to help you develop the necessary skills to participate in different social situations in English. The aim of this course is to improve effective oral and written communication through the acquisition of a set of vocabulary and structures organized in four different thematic units that will enable you to solve and interact in specific social situations with fluency and confidence. |
Carga: 5 horas por semana
Idioma: Ingles
Institucion: UTEC
Modalidad: Online

Objetivos Especificos
By the end of the course, at an elementary level, you are expected to be able to…
-Communicate more effectively in speaking and writing within the four social situations presented in this course: at the airport, at the hotel, at the restaurant, meeting an American.
-Work collaboratively with your classmates while solving real-life situations.
-Make a competent use of digital tools to learn, self manage your learning process and communicate effectively.
-Recognize and acknowledge the sociocultural differences between our culture and the English speaking cultures.
Habilidades y competencias a desarrollar
Social English Skills is a 4 credit blended course designed to help you develop the necessary skills to participate in different social situations in English. The aim of this course is to improve effective oral and written communication through the acquisition of a set of vocabulary and structures organized in four different thematic units that will enable you to solve and interact in specific social situations with fluency and confidence.
Tipo de certificado de aprobación
Los establecidos en el programa del curso.
Perfil del
El estudiante debe contar con con nivel A1/A2 del marco común europeo de referencia (CEFRL).
Cuerpo Docente

Virginia Gil
Docente de inicio de inglés del departamento de idiomas en ITR SO. Docente en instituciones públicas y privadas, en Montevideo y el interior desde 2010. Egresada en 2013. TTC, teacher training Course, Diploma in TESOL, TKT CLIL y TKT young learners. Especializada en: Coaching de alta performance, PNL, inteligencia emocional, Blended Language Learning e Innovación Educativas.

Victoria Soumastre
Docente de educación media en instituciones públicas y privadas desde 2008. Ex-becaria Fulbright. Docente de español como lengua extranjera en EEUU durante 2015-2016. Docente encargada de inglés en el ITR SO (Mercedes y Fray Bentos). De Mercedes, viviendo en Montevideo. Cursando una Maestría en Metodologías Activas de Enseñanza en UCU.