Programa de LenguasProfessional English Fray Bentos S1UTEC —PYEI_UTEC+2023
Professional English is a 4 credit blended course designed to help you revise the basics of the English Language at an elementary level (A1-A2). Students will work on different thematic units along the course and will strengthen their knowledge of general vocabulary and grammar. At the same time, they will be working on their reading and listening comprehension skills as well as on developing their oral abilities. The course will also integrate different technological tools along the classroom which will help students expand their personal learning environments. |
Online: 3 hours
Face-to-face: 2.5 hours/W
Idioma: Inglés
Institucion: UTEC
Modalidad: Mixta

Objetivos Especificos
By the end of this course, students are expected to be able to…
– Introduce themselves to the class and give general personal information.
– Carry out informal and professional conversations with other students.
– Describe a place and activities they do there. Give reasons why people should/shouldn’t visit that place.
– Talk about healthy and unhealthy habits. Give suggestions on how to improve their lifestyles.
Habilidades y competencias a desarrollar
Students at this level can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and
very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. They can
introduce themselves and others and can ask and answer questions about personal
details such as where they live, people they know and things they have. They can
interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is
prepared to help.
Tipo de certificado de aprobación
In order to pass the course, you need to reach grade 4 as per UTEC’s grading scale. The Final Mark is composed as follows:
● Formative Assessment (70% of final mark): Participation, attitude and commitment – Online Component – Final Unit Products.
● Summative Assessment (30% of final mark): Final Assignment.
Perfil del
El estudiante debe contar con un nivel A1-A2 (básico) según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas.
Cuerpo Docente
Prof. Victoria Soumastre
Prof. Victoria Soumastre – Prof. Victoria Soumastre – Docente encargada de inglés en el ITR SO. Egresada del IPA en 2008, desde hace más de diez años trabaja como docente en instituciones públicas y privadas. Ex-becaria Fulbright. Docente de español como lengua extranjera en EEUU durante 2015-2016. Ingreso al Programa de Lenguas de UTEC en enero 2020. Programa de Innovación e Inclusión Educativa – Universidad de Mondragón-UTEC (2020-2021).