Programa de LenguasBasic Listening Skills- Summer SchoolUTEC —INGBSFL+2020
This four-credit self-paced course will provide an introduction to academic listening for novice level English language learners. Instruction focuses on basic listening strategies for a variety of situations, including listening for main ideas and for details, analyzing tone and identifying speaker´s purpose. Get plenty of guided practice to familiarize yourself with new words and discover English sounds you have never thought of while being immersed in academic or semi academic contexts. Accompany us in these first steps to train your ear and become an effective listener. |
Duración: 8 semanas
Dedicación: 7.5 h/semana
Idioma: Inglés
Institución: UTEC
Modalidad: Online

Objetivos Especificos
This course aims at:
-raising awareness on the interactive nature of the listening process and on what it is expected from students when they encounter a listening activity.
-teaching and model the different strategies that can be put into practice when listening to a text in English.
-establishing a clear link between listening abilities and other areas of ESL study such as pronunciation, speaking and vocabulary.
-providing students with an opportunity to listen to a wide variety of authentic listening/video listening materials. Graded recordings will be used when appropriate.
-providing students with input on topics connected to everyday contexts and areas of their interests and experience through content units, with the objective of building up a vocabulary bank and set of ideas about each area while at the same time working on improving their listening comprehension abilities.
-emphasizing the importance of linguistic and non linguistic clues (socio-cultural, background knowledge, intonation, stress) as relevant to achieve a better understanding of oral English.
drawing students‘ attention to the different rhythm of English and the importance of word stress.
-working with word boundaries and features of connected speech to aid students in the listening tasks.
-exposing students to a variety of accents.
-encouraging students to use strategies whenever information is not stated, has been missed or they do not know the meaning of a word.
Habilidades y competencias a desarrollar
Participants of this course will develop metacognitive strategies when they are faced with a listening task and maximize their learning outcomes.
Tipo de certificado de aprobación
Participants successfully completing the course will be awarded 4 credits for English. External participants will receive a certificate of completion.
Perfil del
Students from a A2+ to B2 level with an interest in developing their listening skills thorugh strategy-development and practice.
Cuerpo Docente
Prof. John Fontaine
Prof. John Fontaine is a University professor at UTEC with a focus on online course development. He got his degree of English Teacher from I.P.A (Instituto de Profesores Artigas) and years later joined the UTEC family in 2016 after getting his postgraduate diploma in Learning Disabilities from Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Since then, he has worked as part of the languages program and has participated in different projects and activities with the University of Wisconsin Madison, the Tampere University of Applied Sciences in Finland and the University of Alberta in Canada.