Programa de LenguasTalk Talk Talk -Durazno - RiveraUTEC —TalkCS+2020 Talk_UTEC+2020
TALK TALK TALK is a blended course that aims at developing students´speaking skills through topics of current interest. The course will walk students through different aspects of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation carefully designed to help them feel more self-assured to speak their mind and express their own opinions on the assigned topics. Through in-class activities, speaking assignments with a solid academic scope, and weekly online task, students will become more confident in the use of English, especially as it pertains to academic and professional areas. |
Duración: 15 Semanas
Dedicación: 4 Hs/semana
Idioma: Inglés
Institución: UTEC
Modalidad: Online

Objetivos Especificos
By the end of the course students will:
– Feel more confident when having to interact in less structured situations.
– Learn and apply listening comprehension techniques such as predicting, listening for the gist vs. details, detecting signposts, inferring meaning, looking for non-verbal cues.
– Learn and apply speaking skills such as planning, monitoring their speech, using signposts, supporting ideas with examples and rephrasing ideas.
– Successfully communicate ideas orally with the help of prompts
– Be ready to talk and take a stand on current issues
– Expand their vocabulary within assigned topics.
– Be more aware of pronunciation features which can aid them to be better understood.
– Develop critical thinking skills such as reflecting, analyzing, predicting, inferring, interpreting, synthesizing and evaluating.
Habilidades y competencias a desarrollar
– Effective communication.
– Critical thinking.
– Collaboration and responsibility.
Tipo de certificado de aprobación
– Estudiantes UTEC obtienen 4 créditos para la UC inglés al aprobar el curso.
Perfil del
Business English is aimed at A1/B1 level students
Cuerpo Docente
Prof. Maria Noel Maquieira
Maria Noel Maquieira – Docente Encargada de Inglés del Departamento de Lenguas de UTEC. También soy la Referente del Programa de Lenguas en el ITR Centrosur. Soy egresada del Instituto de Profesores Artigas y Traductora Pública. En el momento, me encuentro cursando estudios de Maestría en la Universidad de Nottingham en el programa Digital Technologies for Language Teaching and Learning.
Prof. Eugenia Balseiro
Eugenia Balseiro – Soy docente encargada del Inglés del Departamento de Lenguas de UTEC. También soy la referente del Programa de Lenguas en el ITR Norte. Egresé del Instituto de Profesores Artigas en el año 2006. En el 2019 culminé mis estudios de Maestría en la Universidad de Nottingham, Inglaterra en el Programa MA Digital Technologies for Language Teaching and Learning