Programa de Lenguas

English for Renewable Energies -



La comprensión de diversos materiales académicos y de divulgación científica son claves para que los profesionales puedan mantenerse actualizados. Este curso te brindará estrategias y herramientas para comprender materiales auténticos aún cuando tu nivel de inglés no sea avanzado. La temática de energías renovables permitirá que los estudiantes también se familiaricen con términos y conceptos clave relacionados a su área de estudio.

  • Módulos: 7

  • Carga: Autogestionado

  • Idioma: Ingles

  • Institucion: UTEC

  • Modalidad: Online

Objetivos Especificos

This course aims at:
– Providing students with an opportunity to be exposed to a wide variety of authentic materials related to renewable energies.
– Helping students to develop basic vocabulary connected to their field of study.
– Promoting students metacognitive strategies when they are faced with a demanding text so as to maximize their learning outcomes.
– Encouraging students to use strategies whenever information is not stated, has been missed or they do not know the meaning of a word.
– Giving students opportunities to interact using the target language.

Habilidades y competencias a desarrollar

– Develop reading strategies: skimming, scanning, guessing and predicting.
– Grammatical competence
– Sociolinguistic competence
– Strategic competence
– Discourse competence
– Develop the 4 aspects of listening comprehension: Understanding isolated words, recognizing phrases, –
understanding clauses, understanding discourse.

UTEC - Certification Medal

Tipo de certificado de aprobación

Este curso cuenta con constancia de participación.
Para aprobar este curso deberás:
1- Completar el 100% de las tareas ofrecidas en cada módulo.
2- Obtener un mínimo de 70% en el total del puntaje.
3- Participar en todos los foros de cada unidad.

UTEC - Certification Medal

Perfil del

Los estudiantes deberán contar con al menos un nivel A2 del marco común europeo de referencia (CEFRL)

Cuerpo Docente


Prof. John Fontaine

Professor at UTEC

Prof. John Fontaine is a University professor at UTEC with a focus on online course development. He got his degree of English Teacher from I.P.A (Instituto de Profesores Artigas) and years later joined the UTEC family in 2016 after getting his postgraduate diploma in Learning Disabilities from Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Since then, he has worked as part of the languages program and has participated in different projects and activities with the University of Wisconsin Madison, the Tampere University of Applied Sciences in Finland and the University of Alberta in Canada.


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