Innovación y emprendimiento

Basic Skills for Reading and Writing 2020 Durazno -



Basic Skills for Reading and Writing is a 4 credit blended course designed for A1/A2 level students. With this course, you will be able to acquire basic literacy skills that will help you perform as a more competent reader and writer in English, at an elementary level. We will work with Online and Class materials that will provide extensive opportunities of controlled practice, and meaningful assignments in which you will be encouraged to implement the skills learned throughout the course. Content is organized around three types of paragraphs - narrative, expository and persuasive – that provide the setting for developing strategies such as: predicting, skimming, scanning, understanding vocabulary in context, recognizing purpose and audience, and developing critical thinking skills as we learn to identify arguments and supporting evidence in texts. Students will also learn the writing process and apply it to produce short paragraphs of the types mentioned above.

  • Módulos: 6

  • Carga: 10 h/Modulo

  • Idioma: Ingles

  • Institucion: UTEC

  • Modalidad: Online

Objetivos Especificos

The aim of the course is to train elementary level students in the use of basic literacy strategies so they can transfer them to the context of their university courses and perform as more competent readers and writers in English, when asked to deal with articles, manuals and/or other technical texts and to produce summary/abstract paragraphs in English.

Habilidades y competencias a desarrollar

Upon completion of all course Units, at an elementary/beginner level, you are expected to be able to…
– Put into practice the reading strategies introduced during the course, namely: previewing, predicting, skimming and scanning, to read elementary/beginner level texts.
– Analyze vocabulary in context to infer meaning and/or use online/paper dictionaries to work out unknown words found in elementary/beginner level texts.
– Classify different words into the correct part of speech, according to their function in the sentence.
– Identify the parts of a simple sentence, i.e. Subject & Predicate, differentiating between sentences and sentence-fragments.
– Write correct simple sentences about topics which are familiar to the student.
– Recognize the constituting elements of a good paragraph: topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence, both when reading and producing an elementary/beginner level text.
– Recognize the organization patterns of three different text types: narrative descriptions, sequencing and opinion paragraphs.
– Identify purpose, audience, main ideas, arguments/supporting details (distinguishing between facts and opinions) when reading elementary/beginner level texts.
– Engage in the writing process to plan and produce effective and coherent paragraphs of the types described in g) (including a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence) about topics which are familiar to the student.

UTEC - Certification Medal

Tipo de certificado de aprobación

Este curso cuenta con constancia de participación.
Para aprobar este curso deberás:
1- Completar el 100% de las tareas ofrecidas en cada módulo.
2- Obtener un mínimo de 70% en el total del puntaje.
3- Participar en todos los foros de cada unidad.

UTEC - Certification Medal

Perfil del

Estudiantes con nivel A1/A2 de inglés.

Cuerpo Docente


Prof. María Noel Maquieira

Professor at UTEC

Hello! I am María Noel Maquieira and I will be your instructor in this course. I am very passionate about writing and hope to inspire you during this course. I am excited to meet you and have you in this class this semester.


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