Programa de LenguasAcademic Research WritingUTEC —ARW_UTEC+2020
Academic Research Writing is a 4 credit online course designed to help students develop their writing skills by working throughout all the stages of the writing process in English, with a strong focus on effective reading techniques, selection of ideas, correct use of sources avoiding plagiarism and critical thinking skills. At the end of this course, the student will have acquired the tools that will allow him to face academic writing in English. |
Carga total: 30 horas
Idioma: Inglés
Institucion: UTEC
Modalidad: Online
Objetivos Especificos
By the end of the course, you are expected to be able to demonstrate through your final written production that…
you have gained understanding that academic writing is a process that involves different stages from brainstorming to editing and proofreading, and also entails tasks such as researching, evaluating, analyzing and synthesizing adequate sources of information.
you have acquired critical reading and analytical skills that enable you to analyze different types of support for arguments and assess the evidence presented as support.
you are capable of integrating your own ideas with the ideas of others with correct use of citation and referencing.
Habilidades y competencias a desarrollar
– Effective communication
– Critical Thinking
– Collaboration and Responsibility
Tipo de certificado de aprobación
Al aprobar este curso generarás 4 créditos para Programas Especiales.
Perfil del
EStudiantes con nivel de inglés B2+, C1, C2, en proceso de redacción de trabajos académicos de investigación.
Cuerpo Docente
Maria Noel Maquieira
Docente Encargada de Inglés del Departamento de Lenguas de UTEC. También soy la Referente del Programa de Lenguas en el ITR Centrosur. Soy egresada del Instituto de Profesores Artigas y Traductora Pública. En el momento, me encuentro cursando estudios de Maestría en la Universidad de Nottingham en el programa Digital Technologies for Language Teaching and Learning.